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About Cee Koko

Interactive Educational African Language Books

My name is Christian Kofi Agyapong. I am a Ghanaian born in London, United Kingdom.

My parents are Ghanaian. My dad is an Ashanti speaking the Akan Twi dialect and my mum is from the Ga tribe speaking the Ga dialect. I understand both Ghanaian dialects but I grew up not speaking the languages much at home. This led to not speaking both languages fluently. When my dad spoke Twi or my mum spoke Ga I would reply in English.

I decided to put a Twi book together for people like myself to learn to speak fluently. I would like to encourage families that speak an African dialect at home to teach family members to read, learn and respond back confidently in their native dialect. This goes for all African dialects not just Twi alone. Non speaking families or anyone wanting to learn are also encouraged to start their journey into learning African languages.


Our mission

Teach one another the mother tongue, learn each other’s dialects

Break down the walls of the division and build strength in unity. Let the generation of today continue with the generation tomorrow.

This is the start of a generation learning and embracing their culture and this beautiful culture will be open to the rest of the world to see…

Teach one another the mother tongue, learn each other’s language. Break down the walls of the division and build strength in unity. Let the generation of today continue with the generation tomorrow.

This is the start of a generation learning and embracing their culture and this beautiful culture will be open to the rest of the world to see…

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